School Clubs
Students and parents will be provided with additional information about extracurricular activities throughout the school year through the daily announcements and newsletters.
Black Student Union -
The Bohannon Black Student Union is at its beginning stage of creating a mission statement, constitution and electing officers. These meetings are held every Tuesday at Lunch in Room 512 with Ms. Gardner
GLOW Club - GLOW Club (Gay Straight Alliance) is designed to afford students the opportunity to celebrate their closest friendships and focus on the affirming developmental life-skills that will allow them to flourish as they move closer into adulthood. Feel free to contact Mr. Gentile for any information in Room 510! This club is held during lunch on Thursdays.
Craft Club - All grades and ability levels are welcome. We will be creating various DIY crafts throughout the year with paper, glue, and painting supplies. Just bring your creative attitude in Room 303 with Ms. Dillon! This club is on the first Tuesday of each month.
Clubs Overview
- Basketball Club
- Black Student Union
- Craft Club
- GLOW Club