Families » ELAC


English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

Provides input on the school plan to ensure that the needs of Emergent Bilinguals are being met at Bohannon. Consists of 5 elected parents of English Learners (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, School Site Council Representative, and District English Learner Advisory Committee Representative). Any member of the Bohannon community may attend and provide input.

Dulingo is bite-size lessons that feel more like a game than a textbook, and that's by design: Learning is easier when you're having fun. Please see the instructions below to join Duoling on a Chrome browser. Families can also get the app for their smartphone. 
ELAC is on Thursday, January 16 from 6:30pm-7:00pm. Translation will be provided.

Families can attend in the Maker space or Via Zoom

Click here for the Zoom Link


Below are the links to the agenda and slideshow:


10-19-23 ELAC Agenda

10-19-23 ELAC Slideshow